
Fran's Power of the Mind training gave me a better understanding of the power of my own mind and how it affect change in my life and well as my health.  It was wonderful!
                                                                                                                       Sharon C.-Emerson Nurse

Your Body Knows

An interactive workshop that demonstrates what YOUR body knows about your health and emotions.   Learn scientifically proven Mind-Body techniques from an instructor with decades of experience on how your thoughts and beliefs are affecting your physical and mental health, and can cause illness.   


                                               February 8, 2024 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Steinberg Emerson Hospital Wellness Center
310 Baker Avenue, Concord, MA. 

Make Your Mind-Your Medicine

Discover Your Body’s Innate Ability for Self-Repair 

Whether you want to augment your medical treatment or improve your body's innate ability to repair itself, you will learn how to create wellness (or how illness could be created) with simple self-healing mechanisms we all possess.   Scientific research has established the connected between your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and environment to your health.  

In this workshop, you will learn simple, everyday mind-body techniques and explore environmental improvements you can make to promote wellness.   You will leave feeling empowered to take control of your own health and wellness.   This instructor will be speaking about her own personal journey from illness to wellness.   

January 2022, 2023, 2024 & 2025

Vision Board Workshop

Uncommon Threads, Lawrence
Empowering Women in Need

Customized - Vision Board Workshop

Perfectly Placed For You - Employees
Staging & Interior Design Company 
February 17, 2023  

Emerson Hospital - Steinberg Wellness Center for Mind & Body
January 25, 2023 

Make Your Mind-Your Medicine

Discover Your Body’s Innate Ability for Self-Repair 

Whether you want to augment your medical treatment or improve your body's innate ability to repair itself, you will learn how to create wellness (or how illness could be created) with simple self-healing mechanisms we all possess.   Scientific research has established the connected between your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and environment to your health.  

In this workshop, you will learn simple, everyday mind-body techniques and explore environmental improvement you can make to promote wellness.  You will leave feeling empowered to take control of your own health and wellness.  The instructor will be speaking about her own personal journey from illness to wellness.   
September 12th & 17th 2023 
 March 7 and February 14th  2022
Two-part series - zoom
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Reducing Stress Using the Power of Your Mind

Greater Boston Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinators Group

Empowerment training with a focus on reducing daily stressors and using the power-of-the mind techniques.  Education and demonstrations of everyday mindfulness, meditation and stress reduction tools while better understanding the mind-body connection.     

Thursday March 4th and 11th  2021 - zoom  

Make Your Mind-Your Medicine

Discover Your Body’s Innate Ability for Self-Repair 

Whether you want to augment your medical treatment or improve your body's innate ability to repair itself, you will learn how to create wellness (or how illness could be created) with simple self-healing mechanisms we all possess.   Scientific research has established the connected between your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and environment to your health.  

In this workshop, you will learn simple, everyday mind-body techniques and explore environmental improvement you can make to promote wellness.  You will leave feeling empowered to take control of your own health and wellness.  The instructor will be speaking about her own personal journey from illness to wellness.   
 February 3rd and February 4th 2021 

Two-part series - zoom

6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

Creating Wellness or Illness

Mind-Body Connection

We all have been told, our minds are the most powerful tool we have yet, have you been taught to use it to its fullest?  Have you been taught how to promote wellness?  Or how you might be creating illness?

Did you know you have the ability to create wellness or illness? The mind and the body are connected but most of us treat each separately.  Come learn how you can have more power and control over your health and wellness with simple yet very effective techniques.

January 21st and January 28th   

Two-part series - zoom 

1:00 to 2:30

Your Body's Innate Ability for Self-Repair
Whether you want to augment your medical treatment or improve your body's innate ability to repair itself, you can learn how to create wellness or illness with simple self-healing mechanisms we all possess.   Scientific research has established the connection between your thoughts, feeling, beliefs, and environment to your physical health.  

In this workshop, you will learn simple, everyday mind-body techniques and explore environmental improvements you can make to promote wellness.   You will leave feeling empowered to take control of your life and wellness!  Fran will speaks about her own personal journey from illness to wellness.   

March 7, 2019 - 10:00 to noon
October 16, 2019 10:00 to noon
February 20, 2020
Cost $37.00
Steinberg/Emerson Hospital Wellness Center

Concord, MA

TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH:  Creating Illness or Wellness - Mind-Body Influence
Scientific research has established the connection between your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and environment to your physical health.   Whether you want to augment your medical treatment or improve your body's innate ability to repair itself, you can learn to create wellness or wellness with self-healing mechanisms we all possess.   Learn simple, everyday mind-body techniques and explore environmental improvements you can make to promote wellness.   Leave feeling empowered to take control of your own health and wellness.   

Steinberg/Emerson Hospital Wellness Center
Concord, MA

A NEW YEAR, A NEW YOU:  A Balanced Approach To Women's Wellness
January is the prefect time to focus on your health.   Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the most common New Year's resolutions.  To help you meet health goals. the Auxiliary of Emerson Hospital invites the community to attend a free workshop about women's wellness.   empowered to take control of your own health and wellness. 
  • Fran Spayne, will moderate the evening and speaking on the Mind-Body Interconnection as well as how Mindfulness can keep physical symptoms at bay along with three clinician from Emerson Hospital:
  • Dr. Katie Lynch, Primary Care Physician with Emerson Primary Care Associates of Bedford  
  • Ryan Stoddard, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, Chief Physical Therapist with Emerson Center for Rehabilitative Sports Therapies
  • Julie Elliott, RD, LDN, Clinical Dietitian, Cardiac Rehab with Emerson Hospital

Thoreau Club

Concord, MA 

MIND GAMES:  Getting the winning edge in ALL areas of life including academics and sports

Empowering Boys Using the Power-of-the-Mind techniques to help again confidence, learn how to strengthen themselves physically and emotionally, increase learning capacity, and use their minds to their fullest potential. 
Si, Se Puede
Merrimack Courts Housing Project, Lawrence
Six week program

Why Mindfulness – 
Are your thoughts making you well or ill?
Everyday thought affect every cell in our bodies
 Our thoughts can create wellness or illness
 You have the power to create wellness for yourself, as well as influence your own environment
Acton Town Employees
Acton, MA

MIND GAMES: Get the winning edge in ALL areas of your life, including academics and sports.
Did you know that harnessing the power of your mind can help you:
    Feel more confident and empowered
    Strengthen yourself both physically and emotionally
    Increase your learning capacity

    Use your mind to its fullest potential
Scientifically proven mind-power techniques have been used by professional and Olympic athletes for decades. These techniques can be used to not only enhance athletic performance but also learning, relationships, health, and building community as well.  

Attend this session to learn techniques for anxiety-free test taking, improved focus, better self-esteem, and enhanced self-image.  Gain a better understanding of how anger, grudges, bullying, and personal happiness affects you and your environment.   Learn how to bring more peace to your home life and school life while gaining a positive, uplifting attitude.

Acton-Boxborough School

Acton, Ma.  01720

When Faith is Enough:
A Course in Miracle and Law of Attraction
Do you feel you want more from life but, uncertain how to get it?  Do you ever ask yourself, ‘is it really okay to want more’?    Your mind and thoughts are incredible manifesting tools whether you are using them with intention or not.  So, why not learn how to put intention behind them while learning what a deep level of FAITH has to do with any of this?
Unity In the City, 19 Kennard Street, Brookline


MIND GAMES:  Getting the winning edge in ALL areas of life including academics and sports
Empowering Girls Using the Power-of-the-Mind techniques to help again confidence, learn how to strengthen themselves physically and emotionally, increase learning capacity, and use their minds to their fullest potential. 
Si, Se Puede
Merrimack Courts Housing Project, Lawrence
Six week program

Using Faith and the Power-of-the-Mind in Times of Adversity

Using your deepest level of faith, as well as the power of your mind, to help you overcome those most difficult times in life when there seems to be no hope.
MSPCC for the Family Self-Sufficiency PPC network


       Mind-Body Connection--Creating Wellness or Illness

Your mind has the power to physiologically alter your body.  Your everyday thinking, emotions, beliefs and relationships have health benefits or consequences.   Be empowered; take charge of your health by practicing simple mind-techniques that promote wellness.   
The Emerson WELLNESS Center for MIND and BODY
Mental Health, Wellness and Learning
A PreK-12 Perspective in ABRSD
Professional Learning Day Facilitator - a day for social and emotional development and the promotion of healthy balanced lives in a school district with high expectations and high achievement.
Acton-Boxborough Regional School District


Mind-Body Connection --- Creating Wellness or Illnes
Your mind has the power to physiologically alter your body.  Your everyday thinking, emotions, beliefs and relationships have health benefits or consequences.   Be empowered; take charge of your health by practicing simple mind-techniques that promote wellness.   

Dragonfly Wellness
176 Jackson Street, Devens, MA

Heart Health
We all know stress affects our heart but, what about daily life events, what you think, your emotions, and your beliefs?   Learn the true meaning of heartbreak.  Create a heart healthy practice using simple power-of-the-mind techniques.    
The Emerson WELLNESS Center for MIND and BODY

Boost Chemotherapy & Radiation Treatments  
Be an empowered patient and compliment your treatments to lessoning side effects, booting your energy and gain the benefits of a positive happy outlook by using simple physiologically changing power-of-the-mind techniques.   
The Emerson WELLNESS Center for MIND and BODY
Better understanding the mind-body connection and its applications for managing pain while exploring a variety of drug free tools and alternatives.  
Emerson WELLNESS Center for MIND and BODY
Aging and Your Mind
How fast you age, including age related illnesses, can be slowed down by simple yet powerful mind techniques.  
The Emerson WELLNESS Center for MIND and BODY
Concord Rotary - 
Mind-Body Connection --- Creating Wellness or Illness
Your mind has the power to physiologically alter your body.  Your everyday thinking, emotions, beliefs and relationships have health benefits or consequences.  

Parents, Teachers and Students Learn Mind-Body Techniques Professional and Olympic Athletes Use. --Training 
Scientifically proven to improve academics, relationships, daily anxiety, test anxiety, sports, home life, and health.   These techniques are easy to use.  Learn how emotions like anger, holding grudges, and even happiness affect your and your environment.  This fun interactive class will help you use your mind more fully while feeling more confident, empowered and being all you can be. 
Emerson's Health & Wellness Center, Concord, MA
The Surprising Power of Happiness
Happiness is vital to your health. Happy people produce fewer stress-related hormones, have stronger immune systems, and live longer. Negative emotions, such as depression and anxiety, put you at risk for heart disease. 
Good Samaritan Medical Center's Spiritual Care and Cancer Center

Brockton, MA
Medical Staff Training 

Taking Responsibility for the Energy Your Bring to Your Patients and Yourself   

Staff will understand the Mind-Body Connection and how to apply the Power of the Mind techniques while exploring a variety of drug-free alternatives for dealing with stress, anxiety, general health and wellness, aging and pain management.   This unique training also looks at ways to better understanding how the emotional energy of health care professionals effects patient health and wellness as well as whether they bring energy to patients or take it away.   Your staff will learn new ways to create an environment that compliments medical treatments and is more conducive to patient wellness.  If staff understands the effect their own stress, thoughts, and beliefs have on their patients—even if not outwardly shared—they can create a much more peaceful, empathetic, and healing environment.  
Good Samaritan Medical Center

Brockton, MA

Parents, Teachers and Students Learn Mind-Body Techniques Professional and Olympic Athletes Use. 

Scientifically proven to improve academics, relationships, daily anxiety, test anxiety, sports, home life, and health.   These techniques are easy to use.  Learn how emotions like anger, holding grudges, and even happiness affect your and your environment.  This fun interactive class will help you use your mind more fully while feeling more confident, empowered and being all you can be. 
Emerson's Health & Wellness Center, Concord, MA

Pain Management Using the Power of the Mind—2CEU’s
Understand the mind-body connection while exploring a variety of drug free alternatives for pain management. Medical professionals and patients will learn simple empowering techniques and commonly used holistic therapies designed to help patients manage their own pain while reducing anxiety associated with pain.  They will get a clear understanding of self-defeating thoughts and limiting beliefs that weaken emotionally and physically.  

Emerson's Health & Wellness Center, Concord, MA 


Using the Power of the Mind to Create a More Positive Life for Female War Veterans 
Fran's presented her Power of the Mind training to female war veterans living in a shelter that provides stability during a time of transition.   This program was specifically designed to help empowered these women to get their lives back on track and to have hope for their futures.    

Leeds, MA

Keynote Speaker -- Cancer Survivor Celebration
This year's theme will be "Every Day is a Gift", a thread that seems to run through many of the survivorship stories and how they find the importance of approaching each day with a sense of gratitude. 
Good Samaritan Medical Center
The Power of the Mind in Treating Pain
Neuropathic Pain: Diagnosis and Treatments
Professional Conference 
Fran’s upcoming class for medical professionals at the Massachusetts Pain Initiative is part of their spring training event, being held this year at the Holiday Inn, Marlborough, MA. All medical and social work professional welcome to register for this talk that  will focus on the importance of holistic therapies with pain management counseling, as well as the power of the mind-body connection in helping patients to manage their own pain.

Presented at the Massachusetts Pain Initiative

Interested in having Fran speak at one of your upcoming events? Contact her via e-mail at

Awake in the Dream Television Show Tapping

Fran will be appearing on two TV shows this spring for “Awake in the Dream” at the Cape Code Community Media Center for Channel 99. Her two episodes with be focused on the titled: Benefits of Psychotherapy with Spirituality, and The Unforgiving Mind - Unnecessary Suffering. Fran will be taping these shows on April 4th, and they will air sometime in May. Check back here for the links to the shows after they air!

The Healing Power of Happiness

Happiness is vital to your health. Happy people produce fewer stress-related hormones, have stronger immune systems, and live longer. Negative emotions, such as depression and anxiety, put you at risk for heart disease.

Power of the Mind — Mind-Body Connection

Fran taught the mind techniques professional and Olympic athletes use to teachers, parents, students, and adults.  Your thoughts, words, emotions, and intentions, whether positive or negative, have been scientifically proven impact your school work, relationships, sports, home live, and health.

Managing & Understanding Pain Presented

This program taught the skills necessary for coping with sadness, anxiety, or anger associated with chronic pain. It included methods for communicating your needs clearly and expressing yourself effectively to those around you.

Healing Energy of the Heart Workshop

What’s love got to do with it? A lot, actually! This workshop taught the importance of understanding the power of your own heart, and it’s healing vibrations. 

Public Schools

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life Workshop

Presented to the Young Leadesr of Tomorrow Club and Faculty, at the Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School, Marlborough, Massachusetts 

More Than Just Stress Reduction Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

Presented at the Project Wellness Conference,  R.J. Grey Jr. High School, Acton, Massachusetts  
Project Wellness was a day-long conference where all 7th grade students, along with one adult family member, attended workshops together on topics related to the tough issues adolescents and their families face every day. This important program promotes communication and trust between our students and adults, focuses on a healthy lifestyle for families, and supports the positive self-esteem of students.



Wellness Events

Power of the Mind—the Mind-Body Connection

Presented at multiple locations

Nursing Services Wellness University

Presented to the Town of Acton's Board of Health  

This workshop helped senior citizens (ages 50+) to understand the impact their thoughts, emotions, words, and beliefs have on their physical health, and the power that their mind has over their wellness.

Town of Acton, MA employees --  Mindfulness


Hospital In-Service Training

In-Service Staff Training—Nursing Rounds

More Than Just Medicine—The Mind-Body Connection

Presented at Emerson Hospital, Concord, MA  

Staff training focused on, "What energy do you bring to or take away from your patients?"

In-Service Training—Mind Body-Connection

Presented at Emerson Hospital’s Bariatric Department
Teaching Bariatric Department staff members’ basic concepts of the power of the mind and mind body connection.  Mind-body medicine uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health and wellness.  

Power of the Mind training to female war veterans living in a shelter that provides stability during a time of transition.   This program was specifically designed to help empowered these women to get their lives back on track and to give them hope for their futures.    


Church Events

Healing Energy of the Heart Workshop

When Faith Matters

Presented at Unity Church in the City, Boston, Massachusetts


"Thanks so much for a wonderful workshop. Very powerful. Your workshop flowed so beautifully and complemented Rev Carlos' message. It was as if you both spoke in advance which I know did not happen. Let's plan on another workshop this fall. You are terrific workshop leader!" — Colette A. M. Phillips, President and CEO-Colette Phillips Communications, Inc. and Unity in the City Board Chair.